Wednesday, November 30, 2016

Kemetic Moor Black Ancestors in Americas

When I use the terms Kemetic or Moor I am not speaking on religion but a description of  indigenous aboriginal African ancestors. We must be careful with labels after all labels were created to bring division among our ancestors. This is what inspired me to write on this subject, we must tell the story of our ancestors in its correct form so much of their history has been omitted and replaced with lies.
Our ancestors have a historical legacy of building the most advanced civilization including right here in the Americas, yes we were already here before Christ, Columbus, Spaniards, and Mexicans, and before the Clovis people aka Native Americans Euro version crossed the Barring Straits.There is evidence of our ancestors being the first inhabitants all of the world. However these labels hide our true identity many people can easily look over the truth with the deception of labels. Pay attention words such as Canaan, Phoenician, Muur/Moor, Semitic,  Sumerians, Ancient Egypt/Kemet, Hamite, and sometimes Hebrew.

There were black Kemetic Moor/Muur indigenous ancestors here in the Americas from Louisiana to California our people  lived near the river it was essential to their everyday lives. Just like our indigenous ancestors in Africa they were targeted for enslavement by European invaders. When I lived in Tulsa, Oklahoma I was amazed at how Native Americans look like me they didn’t resemble the T.V. version at all. I was recently at a vendor event and witness a Native American in Arkansas that look just like me. Again these labels can deceive us. So it is never a surprise to me when I find out our indigenous ancestors are found to be the first inhabitants on these continents contrary what American schools try to teach us.

Our ancestors establish powerful matriarchal empire that ruled the ancient world for thousands of years. The original indigenous inhabitants of California was populated by our ancient ancestors  are descendants of West Africa, South American Olmec’s, Egypt, Asia, and the Pacific Island. The dynasty was ruled by Queen Khalifa in California, Cali itself means black referring to the Great Mama Kali who true lineage of power reached across the globe if you are interested in knowing more about matriarchal rule in the ancient world read a blog I wrote some time ago called “The Sybil” there is also a book by the same name by Mama Zogbe.The black indigenous ancestors of California suffered the greatest abuse because of the gold rush. This information is omitted not just to hide the identity of our ancestors but also to deny the rites of true royalty to rule by our ancestral mothers. This was the biggest massacre and fraud in history, yet it is ignored by colonizers.
According to the American Anthropology Association Africans left African and migrated into Asia, so please don’t let that negate the fact that Asian ancestors are descendants from Africa. Washitaw, Yamasee, Cherokee, Iruquois and Blackfoot are all black tribes, especially the tribes in the southern states. There is also the Nation of Moor which are recognized as indigenous people this is not interchangeable with Muslim despite what you have been told, Moor is a descriptive title for our ancestors not religion. Moor  means black just like the word Kemet our ancestors were infamous with choosing names to describe their appearance although Europeans try to hide it through creating labels. We have a international identity we are the indigenous aboriginal people on this planet to limit our identity to a nationality would be limit the world wide history of our ancestors.

 Many people ask me questions about changing their nationality to Moor. But my questions to them what fact is it changing the word only mean you are claiming you are officially a black indigenous person, however just by looking at your skin tone and your wooly hair true history knows this fact and ignores it. The real task is demanding that history books be truthful in telling history accurately. Most of us already identify with our indigenous roots African American, Black, Negro, or colored by giving us these labels it still reveals our true identity. The fact still remain we are descendants of Kemetic Moor Black ancestors there is no denying it your skin is a badge that unveils this truth.

Penelope Stewart B.Msc.

Monday, May 23, 2016

African Metphysics:The African Meta-Mind

Metaphysics is the behavior of matter and energy in the cosmos meta meaning beyond physical senses but the ability to phenomenally manifest into our reality guided by our mental energy. African metaphysics is the original foundation to discovering life, existence, being, African ancestors were the first to understand the spiritual realm. Metaphysics is about manifestation bringing things into our reality giving it  form it is god given ability to create desired outcomes.

 Who or What created Earth? Many of us believe or are told God created the Earth, yet from the historical records of humans our ancient African ancestors created the Earth. We are the first intelligent beings that gave life to this planet. Never mind the Eurocentric environment or false reality created to suppress this fact. We are the descendants of our African ancestors we too possess the gift to create our desires out of nothingness. The act of creating is not so difficult we do it all the time without realizing it. We think of something we desire first then we perform the energy or action to bring it into form. Yes African people we can change our position in how we experience the environment around us by changing the way we think.

 Racism only affects us Africans because we have accepted the manifestation of its constructs from the Eurocentric mind. However this can be altered by being mindful of oue environment or a reality that can eliminate racism. Nature itself was formed out of darkness before there was light it was darkness so light could not exist or be made if there was no darkness. What a powerful observation and fact I aim to change the way African view their blackness it is a badge of creative force nothing to be scorned or ashamed of but something that has boundless power.
 African skin is the manifestation of God expressing itself in physical form. In the West we have accepted these light white images associated with God but this is false remember it is the darkness that made the light. It is also a biological fact that the African race has dominant genes, 70% of matter in the universe is made up of dark energy, nothing could be complete without the use of dark energy the stars, moon, air, forest and all living things. That's right Africans are complete perfect blue prints of nature herself. Yes I said her Godhood has always been associated with womanhood contrary to what we see today Buddha, Jesus, Muhammad ; it is not a man but a woman patriarchal religions hide this fact. We were created in the image of her the image of  mother nature look at your woolly hair resemble the tops of trees look at your brown body that is similar to the trunk of a tree. Africans can spend long periods of time in the sun and it doesn't burn us like our Caucasians brothers and sisters.

Africans can eliminate racism in a heart beat by understanding a paradigm that fits and the philosophical aspects of cultural difference. The aspect of cultural difference will help you understand how we are conditioned to interpret various situations, events or our environment.

European/European American value system member-object is conditioned to accept the highest value lies in the object or acquisition of the object. Self-worth is often determined by the number, size and monetary value of the object. Knowledge is counting and measuring; viewed often gained by measuring what can be ascertained by the senses or “proved” by mathematical formulae.

African/African-American/Hispanic value system member-member is conditioned to accept value lies in interpersonal relationships. Self-worth is often determined by the quality of relationships and how the member is viewed by members of the same and other groups. Knowledge is knowing imagery pattern recognition; is based often gained by feeling or intuition what lies behind appearances and superimposing this information onto what can be ascertained by the senses.

Asian/Asian American/Native American value system member-group is conditioned to accept lies in identity with the group and consideration of what benefits the group as a whole. Self-worth is often associated with   acknowledgement of oneness with nature and the Earth. Knowledge is transcendent gained by direct transcendental experience by entering meditative or altered states of consciousness. Such knowledge is then applied to people and situations in the mundane world.

Mediterranean/Middle Eastern value system member scripture value lies in adherence to sacred text and scripture. Self-worth is often determined by adherence to divine revelation and commandment.Knowledge is a method of code often acquired from spiritual teachings passed from generation, there is no dichotomy between scientific and spiritual knowledge.

"Black liberation must understand the Law of the One. This gives many of us a metaphysical basis from which to build a strategy to create lasting change. There are  ways that our freedom can manifest itself are as manifold as the individuals who desire it.
Many black leaders have advocated this very thing with w varying results, however none has succeeded in weakening the effects of racism in America to any great degree. All African-American has leadership capabilities. Freedom from racism will not come as a result of doubting our divine birthright from White people. It will come when we as a people of color share our gifts that we individually possess, and when we believe that we create our own reality as conscious expressions of one thing we want the most racism eliminated from the minds of all.

Kem Ancestry

Penelope Stewart B.Msc.

Turner-Bey, Deborah. The Church of the Cosmic Mother: Metaphysics for the African-American Seeker (Kindle Location 508). . Kindle Edition.

Saturday, May 21, 2016

African: Angels, Ancestors, and Spiritu Guides

When I  begin to work with angels I was impressed with their intellectual energy the way it made my mind soar. I was curious to know more about these energies the more I worked with the energy I was guided to read books or information would just enter my mind I would just know things, later I would be intuitively led to information to help understand their energy. During this spiritual awakening I was learning more about myself as an African reaching spiritual enlightenment my DNA was surging with information as I would ask my Higher Mind questions and the answers would just leap forward in my mind, images would flash in my mind if I couldn't decipher the information in my DNA the images would give me clues to subjects I needed to research.

The history of angels and spirit guides can be traced first to the ancient mysteries of Egypt, Sumerian, Babylonian, and Persian cultures. Auset mother of Horus and wife of Ausar is depicted as the manifestation of an angel. Orishas, Lwa, and the Neteru are primordial beings or energy which has undergone transformations by Eurocentrics into Gaia, Archangels or another form of European paganism. Let me be clear paganism has never left religion or mainstream society Santa Claus, Easter Bunny, and Jesus are yet another form of paganism from Eurocentric culture vultures. Please keep in mind all other cultures learned from Africans who were the first beings on the planet. Africans are the direct descendants of primordial beings.

The more I studied metaphysical science and researched more on spirit guides, angels, and ancestors I recognized the connections and links. I observed that through the centuries African spirituality went through various transformation in patriarchal religion and European pagan traditions. The gods of the ancient mysteries were completely whitewashed out of their authentic form. What was wrong with the authentic forms of these ancient deities? Nothing was wrong with our ancestral original forms of deities, but it was a reminder to Eurocentric that they were not the originators of the concept of god.

When Africans need to connect spiritually it is imperative to first connect with African culture research African history most importantly honor your ancestors. The ancestors help us understand ourselves and protect and guide us when we are working with other energies or deities. Our ancestors speak the language of spirit and are intercessors or catalyst for communicating with the spiritual realm.

The most beautiful thing about African shamanism it is diverse no African tribe is the exactly the same but all have a common thread of the belief of one God over all. Many Africans believe that Kemetic students study the same spiritual systems this is false there is diversity in African shamanism one is not obligated to perform identical ritual, ritual will vary from tribes according to geographical

Transformation List
    • Osar (Asar, Ausar, Osiris) the Lord of the Dead is the guardian spirit of peace, wisdom, purity, knowledge and fertility. Associated with the Resurrected Jesus and La Virgin de las Mercedes.
    • Oset (Aset, Ast, Auset, Isis) the Mother of Revolution is the guardian spirit of positive change and motherhood. Associated with the Virgin Mary, Virgin de la Regla and Virgen of the Miraculous Medals.
    • Hru (Hra, Heru, Horus) the Heir of Osar is the guardian spirit of victory, success and triumph. Associated with Samson, King David and St. Barbara.
    • Djahuti (Tahuti, Tehuti, Thoth) the Lord of Change is the guardian spirit of divination. Associated with King Solomon and St. Francis of Assisi.
    • Nebhet (Nephtys) Lady of the House is the guardian spirit love, beauty, pleasure, money and peace. Associated with Mary Magdalene and La Virgin de la Caridad del Cobre.
    • Sokar (Sokher, Seker) Lord of the Cemetery is the guardian spirit of resurrection, renewal and illness. Associated with Lazarus.
    • Npu (Anpu, Enpu, Anubis) the Messenger/Traveler between the Living and Dead, is the guardian spirit of guidance. The master of the cross-road.  Associated with the Moses and El Nino de la Atocha.
    • Maat the Gatekeeper of Life/Death is the guardian spirit of balance, righteousness and sanity. Associated with Joshua and St. Norbert.
    • Hruaakhuti (Ra-Hor-kahuti, Bedhuty, Herukhuti) Lord of the Double Horizon, is the guardian spirit of justice. Associated with the disciple )and St. George the Destroyer of Dragons.
    • Aah (Gabriel) One of the names for the God of the Moon he wears a symbol of the Moon, a combination of Full and crescent Moon.
    • Amun & Amun-Ra (Sachiel) Amun also spelt Amon, Amoun, Amen and Imen.
    • Anhur,(Anhert, Onouris, Ounuris) (Samael) A warrior who was invoked against both human and animal enemies. The personification of War. He was regarded as the creative powers of the Sun, but this is juxtaposed to his war like attributes.
    • Anubis (Anpu) (Azrael) The jackal head God. He conducted the dead to judgment with the God Thoth
    • Aten, Atum, Auf, Efu, Ra (Micheal) A sun-god under Pharoah Akhenaten, the evening aspect of the sun Ra. An aspect of the god RA ram-headed god wears a solar disk
Kem Ancestry

Penelope Stewart B.Msc.


Thursday, May 19, 2016

Honoring Ancestors Heals

If you are an awaken African I am sure you want to know more about your ancestors. You are curious about history, culture, influential ancestors, and most of all spiritual practices. The most important aspect to understand about African culture is honoring ancestors this is very vital to the living descendants of Africans. The ancestors have the power to interact in our everyday lives, we have a bio-spiritual link to our ancestors this goes back hundreds of thousands of years. Our ancestors were the first beings on the planet their DNA have so many answers and loads of information.

The first thing you do to honor ancestors is to live a moral ethical life with integrity, dedicate positive action in the name of your ancestors, you can also give a libation in honor of your ancestors. Some of you say well I don't have any good ancestors I assure you somewhere in your genetic pool there is a wise ancestor waiting to assist you and help heal the family bloodline. Many of our ancestors suffered several forms of illness during the African holocaust, some of our ancestors were alcoholics, drug addicts, mentally illness, and many more I don't care to name. The act of acknowledging ancestor starts a healing process on the family tree taking it back to its natural state transcending time giving healing to the living and those that have past on to the other-side. It doesn't matter what religion you are this must be done it is the ways of your ancestors you are an African before you are a Christian, Muslim, Jew, or any other religion you choose to associate yourself with until you embrace your African ancestors the family tree will need to be healed and made whole again.

The Diaspora had a negative impact on the African mind we are under a sleeping spell like an amnesia patients we have no real memory of who we are, however this simple  act of communicating with ancestors can awaken your DNA those memories can be triggered. Many of us are blinded by the religion of colonialism we reject our own bio-spiritual birthright the power that was given to us by our ancestors. It doesn't matter what religion the African converts to there will be no liberation until we understand the lives of our forgotten ancestors.

Choose a day to honor your ancestors, below I have shared other peoples methods of how they honor their ancestors. Maybe you may be inspired to honor your ancestors in some of these same methods.

"I light candles at the church and, if possible, visit the gravesite of my nanas and tatas, as well as my dad. I take flowers and say a prayer that expresses gratitude for everything they have taught me. Sometimes, I draw a picture and leave it- I used to draw my nana and tata pictures as a kid. If I can’t make it out to the cemetery, I play their favorite songs on the piano and remember them." – Lea M.

"I am an artist whose ancestors came to America from Poland in the 1800s. I honor them through my artwork, using the motifs and colors of Polish folk art in my contemporary paintings and collages." – Susan G.

"In gratitude every morning whilst in prayer.. when I look at our mountains and rivers they are that … when I make medicines from the forest and trees I acknowledge their presence… when I look at my grandchildren.. they are everywhere… they are still are a vibration in my heart". – Cassandra S.

"By being human. By promoting humanity in our dealings with one another and the world and its denizens, by treading lightly and remembering those who will come after." – Dave W.

"I am preparing a book of recipes for preserving the yearly garden harvest for my grandchildren to go with all the canning equipment they will inherit. Nothing says love like putting real food on the table for your family from recipes handed down over the generations." – Kathleen B-H.
Penelope Stewart B. Msc.

Wednesday, May 18, 2016

African American Wiccans or Witches

Wicca simply means wise one, yes our ancient ancestors were very wise indeed. Wiccan is a European description for wise one. Our African ancestors were healers, shamans, priest, or priestess, they prepared herbs, performed rituals, called on spirit guides to aid them in their affairs. However the European Inquisition threaten the very fabric of wise one society many were tortured, killed, and force to live in hiding this continued on from the 13th  to the 17th century. During this time there was negative propaganda being promoted toward African spirituality, which is the foundation to most of religions or indigenous ritual practices. The wise one spiritual practices were closely linked to the ancient mysteries of Egypt. These mysteries of the ancient Egypt transcended races and cultures you can find echoes of the ancient mysteries in nearly every culture. People from all over the world came to the Land of the Blacks to learn the powerful ancient mysteries this was a threat to the European world which prompt the Inquisition.

The era of slavery and Jim Crow laws were restrictions that prohibited Africans Africans from medical treatment. Many Africans of Diaspora use the knowledge of their ancestors Hoodoo, Voodoo as seen in Haiti and Louisiana.  Once again these Africans were so gifted they attracted clients that were not African. For example the late Aunt Caroline Dye from the delta attracted prestigious clients from all over.

Wicca is really no different than Kemet the focus is balance and living in harmony with nature. Wicca like Kemet there is God and Goddess energy present in the Universe. Practitioners choose a deity that best resonate with their energy. Majick is a buy product of Wicca or a w

itch it is a perception of universal truths, knowledge of nature, and the influence of this energy has on humans. Lastly do not be confused Wicca is more of a religion of some witches you do not have to be Wiccan to be a witch.
Penelope Stewart B.Msc.

Kemetic Reiki Ra Sekhi

When I first learned about Reiki I was a little puzzled about how did it fit into African spiritual practices. So I began to research history which led me to Kemetic Reiki I thought Reiki was just an Asian healing practice, boy was I ever wrong especially in recent news the discovery that Asians descended from Africans. We also recognize the fact that other subcultures learned from the Africans who are the first humans on earth, African Reiki, Ra Sekhi, or Kemetic Reiki is an ancient holistic healing modality. The process of using energy focus to bring balance and harmony to one’s being. There are symbols, mantras, spirit guides, crystals, sounds, and aromatherapy to aid in the healing session. It is very similar of laying on the hands with addition to using other natural tools to manipulate subtle energy known as chakras or aura.
The healing session can activate detoxing, during the healing session a person may experience tingling, heat, or vibration moving through them or nothing at all. My motto is the more receptive of the person to the healing the more beneficial the healing session will be. But rest assure that the energy flow will connect and adjust your energy bringing it into harmony. Kemetic Reiki or Ra Sekhi teaches us how to master and manipulate our power. When we connect with Ra the Universal life energy we connect with the Universe. We are also able to do so much more with our healing energy. This healing energy can help you in your spiritual growth you will be more attuned with your higher-self. The more you use Ra healing energy you will find yourself intuitively healing clients you will go to the affected area. Your hands will move intuitively around the body, you may sense messages in your mind, I have set in on some healers that have found attachments and removed those attachments which prevent the healing process. The more and longer you perform energy healing the better your intuition will become it just happens that way.
Penelope Stewart B. Msc.

Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Heal with Reiki Energy

Reiki is an ancient and very simple healing technique that anyone can use on human, pets, plants or any living organism. We use Reiki everyday as parents with our children, when our child hurts him/herself the first thing we do as parents is kiss or rub the injured area that is Reiki. There is a sympathetic energy in the Universe that can be channeled to heal through the act of empathy, remember everything is energy. We are energy and many of us operate in the same frequencies if we ever take notice.

Humans communicate on many levels or many frequencies emotionally, facial expressions, body language, words there is a lot of energy exchange going on knowingly and unknowingly. Reiki functions on the frequency of empathy a very powerful energy which empowers the target. The empathizer just for a moment shares their energy with the target tapping into the same frequency the target is willing to receive the energy and the empathizer is willing to give it. It is during these moments the healing takes the most effect the healer and the target are now communicating on a cosmic level intuitively.

The intuitive moment is when the spirit speaks directly to the healer and guides healer during the healing session. This has happened to me on several occasions I will just let the healing energy take over and guide me over the targets body in some cases I intuitively go to the direct area where the pain is, you will intuitively know when enough energy is applied to the area because your hands will move away. There is no thinking required in energy healing simply focus sending healing light to the target you are simply a tool. Don’t try and figure things out let the healing energy take over. You will also notice the more you use this healing energy the more intuitive you will become this is normal. During an energy healing you may experience your hands becoming very warm this is Reiki energy it is normal, the target may feel some tingling in the body sometimes the target may not feel anything at all. It doesn’t mean Reiki is not working energy is never wasted it is working on a subtle level energy healing work as needed not as you desire.

Empaths are natural healers because the strong empathetic energy within us this comes almost naturally with little thought at all. If you are an empath and want to test or strengthen your abilities start with energy healing. Children are very good at Reiki healing energy they have no barriers therefore have no problem with tapping into the primal energy of Reiki.
If you are interested in learning Reiki text the word “Reiki” to 501-404-7875 you will receive free video guides that will teach you Reiki levels I,II,&III.

Penelope Stewart B.Msc
Metaphysical Minister & Practitioner

Friday, April 22, 2016

‘Roots’ Actor John Amos Explains How The Ancestors Spoke To Him

‘Roots’ Actor John Amos Explains How The Ancestors Spoke To Him: John Amos is the type of “man’s man” kind of actor. Always playing a strong male lead, Amos got his start in acting after becoming a veteran of the 50th Armored Division of the Ne…

Sunday, April 17, 2016

Africans Reject their Ancestors

Today I sit here extremely perplexed by African Americans estrange relationship we have with our ancestors. Many refuse to even identify with African history, culture and ancestors, as a minister of metaphysics this is a display of spiritual deformity. The total rejection of one's true-self if we can't accept all portions of our being we are rejecting ourselves. The act of accepting self unconditionally is the first step to spiritual healing not only for ourselves but for our ancestors as well. This spiritual healing is needed to allow Africans to be whole spiritually , mentally collectively as a people who share the same skin tone.

It is a pain deep within I feel when I witness African reject themselves, instantly I see the unrest in the African ancestral spirits. How can our ancestors truly rest in peace when we don't love ourselves?
 How can we truly love our future generations if we don't love our past? We reject the notion of connecting with our African roots, it frightens me that many African can't feel this, we have many ancestors that rest in shallow graves never to be discovered. It is these ancestors voices that speaks through us to tell their story and acknowledge their lives.

On many occasions I have taken the opportunity to reach out to my African brothers and sisters on social media to create a platform to honor our ancestors. I get good feedback for such a platform, however when I schedule the meeting no one shows up ( What does this mean? It could mean several things, some Africans may think social media is adequate enough to express these thoughts, some may be uncomfortable with the new awareness of the African culture, last but not least peer pressure the need to conform to avoid rejection from mainstream society. Let me also include the fact it could be simply me, my personality, people will reject others for their own reasons.

What is the answer to resolve this issue? My individual resolution is to find and connect with other Africans who are sincere about an African ancestor platform. So I speak to your spirit sincere Africans let us connect.  The truth is a painful reality that many Africans simply don't or won't connect with their African culture or ancestors. It is not many Africans who really comprehend the importance of honoring African ancestors.

Rev.Penelope Stewart B.Msc.

Thursday, April 7, 2016

Conscious and Spiritual Foods

The role of diet in the conscious and spiritual community has been a big buzz for topic of discussion. We have many individuals becoming vegans and this is causing a little concern for others who are not vegans. Swami Vivekananda (spiritual teacher) once said “You believe that you have to live in a certain way, eat certain foods, perform certain rituals to be holy, but if you could only see that if you wish to be spiritually free or whole. All you have to do is stand up and be free.” Swami also said “A cow eat grass all of its life, but have you ever seen a cow become a saint.”

The key to living a more spiritual conscious lifestyle is not eating certain types of food. Some teachers or individuals make a religion out of what others eat. A proper balance diet can have positive effects of one’s meditation practice. The truth is not eating meat does cause sensitive response to meditation but this is due to a change in energy the body is receiving less energy (protein) because of this meatless diet. Therefore, this lack of energy sends a message to the body and mind. When the mind lacks energy it has limited barriers so the hold is weak it is easy for the mind to let go and explore itself in meditation. This process is actually called “The Exhaustion Principle", it is also applied to fasting.

Does it make a person more spiritual if they are vegan? Absolutely not, vegans and individuals who fast have simply allowed themselves to become sensitive to the response of meditation by shifting their energy. One who is being totally led by their Higher Mind will intuitively eat the right foods at the right time and will choose physical activities the body will enjoy. There are no judgements against vegans, fasters, or meat eaters each are valid if careful not to become extreme and become delusional that one is only holy because of a certain diet.

 The body is intuitive if we are attuned to our bodies we can listen to what the body needs. We must think of food as energy our mental, physical, and spiritual body needs the intermingling of certain energy in certain types of foods. Trust your higher mind and instincts you will be guided to the certain foods your mind and body needs.

Penelope Stewart B.Msc. Metaphysical Minister

Sunday, March 20, 2016

The Sibyls

The name Sybil is a sacred initiatory title that the ancient Africans called prophet(ess) or priest(ess) of the Mama Watas. Mama Watas is derived form Ethiopian Cushites Queen of heaven mother of the gods. The Sibyls are the descendants of the first neolithic clans of the African warrior-Queens, healers, prophet(ess), and God(dess). Oral tradition reveal that men revolted against the authority of Mami they separated themselves from the Divine African mother.

The Sibyl were a group of African prophetess located all over the ancient world. These women were the matriarchal rulers of the world for thousands of years before the patriarchal society ever existed. God originally was a woman later changed by patriarchs to masculine man. It was the Sibyls who were persecuted not the Christians. The Sibyls prophecies and spiritual practices intimidated the patriarchs. Millions of the Sibyls were enslaved, murdered, and scattered to the four corners of the world. The New Testament is a chronicle of the final destruction of African matriarch.
The history of the Sibyls remain to exist in West Africa, many black women are clueless that their suffering is due to the disconnection of their ancient rites and spiritual duties. Black women duty is to continue the work of their ancestral mother. It is believed there will be no peace on earth until African women are restored to their rightful place in the world.

When I began to study African history I read that many African women were being kidnapped during the rise of the patriarch movement. I couldn't help but ask myself. Why were these African women being kidnapped? What purpose did these women serve in history. Later I stumbled upon a book review of The Sibyls on YouTube, I carefully listened to the author Mama Zogbe' as she shared her finding in her research on this subject. I was drawn in by her motherly wisdom and careful recounts of African women history.
Finally after I purchased her book it answered many question my intuition shared with me. However without any historical evidence I couldn't confirm this gut feeling until I read the book. The book was worth the purchase

Friday, March 18, 2016

Starseeds or Ancestors Awaken

Starseeds have been described by the Westerners as New Age, but that is not entirely so it’s nothing New Age about this concepts. In fact, African indigenous ancestors taught reincarnation  which souls do not die. We continue to live on through our loved ones linked by our DNA. You ever heard that saying? “Spirit is in the blood”. Presently there are many Africans of Diaspora that are not aware of this knowledge. But deep down inside they know religion has never answered their questions. When some are expose to African culture or spiritual practices it instantly resonates deeply within their being.
Suddenly, light bulbs go off the interest to know more about their African ancestors spark the mind interest. The DNA is activated now the ancestors or African deities can work more closely with their descendants. Their purpose in life becomes more clear as they continue to read, study and embrace their African ancestors. The ancestors is now living within the DNA of their descendants able to fulfill the destiny and work of their ancestors.
If you are an African in Diaspora and are interested in knowing more about African spiritual practice please visit our ministry  Honoring African Ancestors Matter group at join free, keep up with the ministry, or donate.