Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Heal with Reiki Energy

Reiki is an ancient and very simple healing technique that anyone can use on human, pets, plants or any living organism. We use Reiki everyday as parents with our children, when our child hurts him/herself the first thing we do as parents is kiss or rub the injured area that is Reiki. There is a sympathetic energy in the Universe that can be channeled to heal through the act of empathy, remember everything is energy. We are energy and many of us operate in the same frequencies if we ever take notice.

Humans communicate on many levels or many frequencies emotionally, facial expressions, body language, words there is a lot of energy exchange going on knowingly and unknowingly. Reiki functions on the frequency of empathy a very powerful energy which empowers the target. The empathizer just for a moment shares their energy with the target tapping into the same frequency the target is willing to receive the energy and the empathizer is willing to give it. It is during these moments the healing takes the most effect the healer and the target are now communicating on a cosmic level intuitively.

The intuitive moment is when the spirit speaks directly to the healer and guides healer during the healing session. This has happened to me on several occasions I will just let the healing energy take over and guide me over the targets body in some cases I intuitively go to the direct area where the pain is, you will intuitively know when enough energy is applied to the area because your hands will move away. There is no thinking required in energy healing simply focus sending healing light to the target you are simply a tool. Don’t try and figure things out let the healing energy take over. You will also notice the more you use this healing energy the more intuitive you will become this is normal. During an energy healing you may experience your hands becoming very warm this is Reiki energy it is normal, the target may feel some tingling in the body sometimes the target may not feel anything at all. It doesn’t mean Reiki is not working energy is never wasted it is working on a subtle level energy healing work as needed not as you desire.

Empaths are natural healers because the strong empathetic energy within us this comes almost naturally with little thought at all. If you are an empath and want to test or strengthen your abilities start with energy healing. Children are very good at Reiki healing energy they have no barriers therefore have no problem with tapping into the primal energy of Reiki.
If you are interested in learning Reiki text the word “Reiki” to 501-404-7875 you will receive free video guides that will teach you Reiki levels I,II,&III.

Penelope Stewart B.Msc
Metaphysical Minister & Practitioner

Friday, April 22, 2016

‘Roots’ Actor John Amos Explains How The Ancestors Spoke To Him

‘Roots’ Actor John Amos Explains How The Ancestors Spoke To Him: John Amos is the type of “man’s man” kind of actor. Always playing a strong male lead, Amos got his start in acting after becoming a veteran of the 50th Armored Division of the Ne…

Sunday, April 17, 2016

Africans Reject their Ancestors

Today I sit here extremely perplexed by African Americans estrange relationship we have with our ancestors. Many refuse to even identify with African history, culture and ancestors, as a minister of metaphysics this is a display of spiritual deformity. The total rejection of one's true-self if we can't accept all portions of our being we are rejecting ourselves. The act of accepting self unconditionally is the first step to spiritual healing not only for ourselves but for our ancestors as well. This spiritual healing is needed to allow Africans to be whole spiritually , mentally collectively as a people who share the same skin tone.

It is a pain deep within I feel when I witness African reject themselves, instantly I see the unrest in the African ancestral spirits. How can our ancestors truly rest in peace when we don't love ourselves?
 How can we truly love our future generations if we don't love our past? We reject the notion of connecting with our African roots, it frightens me that many African can't feel this, we have many ancestors that rest in shallow graves never to be discovered. It is these ancestors voices that speaks through us to tell their story and acknowledge their lives.

On many occasions I have taken the opportunity to reach out to my African brothers and sisters on social media to create a platform to honor our ancestors. I get good feedback for such a platform, however when I schedule the meeting no one shows up ( What does this mean? It could mean several things, some Africans may think social media is adequate enough to express these thoughts, some may be uncomfortable with the new awareness of the African culture, last but not least peer pressure the need to conform to avoid rejection from mainstream society. Let me also include the fact it could be simply me, my personality, people will reject others for their own reasons.

What is the answer to resolve this issue? My individual resolution is to find and connect with other Africans who are sincere about an African ancestor platform. So I speak to your spirit sincere Africans let us connect.  The truth is a painful reality that many Africans simply don't or won't connect with their African culture or ancestors. It is not many Africans who really comprehend the importance of honoring African ancestors.

Rev.Penelope Stewart B.Msc.

Thursday, April 7, 2016

Conscious and Spiritual Foods

The role of diet in the conscious and spiritual community has been a big buzz for topic of discussion. We have many individuals becoming vegans and this is causing a little concern for others who are not vegans. Swami Vivekananda (spiritual teacher) once said “You believe that you have to live in a certain way, eat certain foods, perform certain rituals to be holy, but if you could only see that if you wish to be spiritually free or whole. All you have to do is stand up and be free.” Swami also said “A cow eat grass all of its life, but have you ever seen a cow become a saint.”

The key to living a more spiritual conscious lifestyle is not eating certain types of food. Some teachers or individuals make a religion out of what others eat. A proper balance diet can have positive effects of one’s meditation practice. The truth is not eating meat does cause sensitive response to meditation but this is due to a change in energy the body is receiving less energy (protein) because of this meatless diet. Therefore, this lack of energy sends a message to the body and mind. When the mind lacks energy it has limited barriers so the hold is weak it is easy for the mind to let go and explore itself in meditation. This process is actually called “The Exhaustion Principle", it is also applied to fasting.

Does it make a person more spiritual if they are vegan? Absolutely not, vegans and individuals who fast have simply allowed themselves to become sensitive to the response of meditation by shifting their energy. One who is being totally led by their Higher Mind will intuitively eat the right foods at the right time and will choose physical activities the body will enjoy. There are no judgements against vegans, fasters, or meat eaters each are valid if careful not to become extreme and become delusional that one is only holy because of a certain diet.

 The body is intuitive if we are attuned to our bodies we can listen to what the body needs. We must think of food as energy our mental, physical, and spiritual body needs the intermingling of certain energy in certain types of foods. Trust your higher mind and instincts you will be guided to the certain foods your mind and body needs.

Penelope Stewart B.Msc. Metaphysical Minister