Thursday, October 26, 2017
Matriarch to Patriarch "The Black Woman God"
The first civilization was ushered in by indigenous women, these women were experts in agriculture. These facts have been ignored by patriarchs, scholars, and some Afrocentric males. Matriarchy existed worldwide for thousands of years they migrated and developed civilizations in Asia, India, Africa, North and South America. The transition from matriarchy to patriarchy took centuries, the upheaval began in the Iron Age by Indo-Europeans in the so called Middle East. Male deities were first introduced by Egyptian patriarchs but made popular by Indo-Europeans. Many matriarchs fled the Egyptian dynasty to continue your Goddess veneration as the gender wars began. Historical and archaeological documentation indicate many ancient societies were matriarchal now that we live in a patriarchal society such findings are called pseudo.
We must not fail to mention that “Hidden Colors” documentary seem to be nice accounts of Moorish patriarch history. The documentary fail to inform the audience that many of these moors were children of enslaved indigenous aboriginal African women. Many of these women were impregnated by force their children were raised in patriarch culture. Many of the children did not identify with the culture of their mother. The question we must ask ourselves is why is this information ignored. Why was it so important for European colonizer to use African indigenous women to set up their royal patriarch culture? If you are interested in learning more about this ancient history of civilization. You can purchase my detail ebook or print book on these historical findings at Smashwords and Amazon book title “Matriarch to Patriarch”: The Black Woman God
Mounds Ancestral Sacred Sites

Huge mounds can be found through America and Canada. These mounds are placed near or on ley lines sometimes called energy grids. Our ancestors would use the mounds for healing ceremonies, spiritual gatherings, and other festivities. We can also use this energy to heal, to elevate, or connect with those ancient ancestors.
History call these people by various obscure culture names most popular is Pre-Colombian culture. These dark skin people have been present in the America’s for over 100,000 years. This history has been heavily suppressed African Americans are not from so called Africa we are the indigenous people of the American land.

Men were bought in from so call Africa after European settlers killed off our warriors and elders leaving a large number of children and women. Then colonial powers began to breed slaves by forcing these men to mate with our ancestors calling us by new names such as colored, Negro, or African American.
The native Americans you see today are from the so called civilized tribes who chose to assimilate with European powers and agreed to the poor treatment of their dark ancestors. A few of the native Americans refuse to do such a thing this caused major uprisings American history keeps hidden as well.
Recently, there was an article published online stating that Native Americans and slaves were buried in the same cemetery. Descendants of both groups recently came together at the site near Little Rock, Arkansas to observe unmarked African American graves among prehistoric Indian mounds, and discuss what they might do together to learn more and preserve the unmarked graves. Members of the Quapaw Tribe met with members of Preservation of African American Cemeteries (PAAC), along with Dr. John House of the Arkansas Archeological Survey and state Sen. Linda Chesterfield of Little Rock. The meeting sparked feelings of histories colliding—again, it seems—to provide a kind of closure.
It’s obvious that many officials in Arkansas know that the so called African Americans are descendants of the Pre-Columbian civilization that were in the Americas 100,000 years before Native Americans. Many Native Americans admit that they were forced to assimilate to European lifestyles to ensure their survival. Yes, the Native Americans practice racism towards their darker brothers and sisters who were the original inhabitants of the land. The Empress of Washitaw has made a life work of exposing this knowledge to the masses of African Americans that believe they are from Africa, we have been using the term Africa loosely to identify ourselves the correct term would be indigenous. Words like African, Jamaican, Native American, or Afro-Mexican are terms given to us by European powers. These terms were created to make us forget where we came from making it difficult for us to see that we were owners of the land.

If you are living near mounds or any sacred sites indigeous ancestors used for healing, spiritual gatherings, or festivities. You should consider going to these sites to meditate, the sites are filled with energy that will help upgrade our dna a gift from our ancestors. Our ancestors left these markers for us for a reason we too are meant to use them to elevate ourselves mind, body, and spirit. October 1, 2017 we will be meeting at the Toltec Mounds located in Scott, Arkansas at 3pm for Sacred Meditation, the park is open from 1pm-5pm on Sunday. If you are not able to make it to the site there is another sacred site at Willow Beach park located in Scott, Arkansas. This site is also near energy grids the park is beautiful you can feel the spiritual essence of our indigenous ancestors. I had been going there for about 18 years I was drawn to the area little did I know it was the ancestors drawing me to the location. I just know I felt better once I would visit the area, later I found out my great grandmother was from the Blackfoot tribe her original home was in Scott, Arkansas.

Many of us as African Americans have heard the low whispers in our family that we were descendants of the original Native Americans. But we dare not share this knowledge with anyone, it was difficult for us to truly believe it the Native Americans we see today look European. After archaeologist, anthropologist, and historians have done tons of research and studies it is undeniable we are truly the indigenous people of the earth. We are usually the first people on any continent in the world, the longer they dig the darker the people get. Follow us on Facebook to learn more about this subject
Penelope Stewart B.Msc.
Cannabis Shamanism The biggest Secrect to Higher Consciousness
Cannabis has been used in religious ceremonies for centuries, it has a long-standing tradition in numerous world faiths. Taoist shamans used cannabis in combination with ginseng to reveal truths about the future, believing the plant had the ability to see into the future. Cannabis consumption was reserved for religious clergy and not shared with common people, that explains the strange exclusion from ancient texts. Cannabis holds a sacred spot in the Hindu faith. Shiva the locally favored Hindu deity was given offerings of cannabis drinks during religious festivals; community members took part as well, sharing cannabis bowls among one another. Herodotus, a Greek historian from the fifth century B.C.E. known as the “Father of History,” wrote that the Scythians held religious ceremonies in tent-like structures where they burned cannabis in censers on wooden tripods. Judaic and Christian traditions used the plant as well, the Hebrew word for cannabis, kaneh bosm, as calamus, a plant traditionally used to make fragrances. In Exodus, God commanded Moses to make a holy oil consisting of myrrh, sweet cinnamon, kaneh bosm, and cassia. Evidence reveals that marijuana was in use as a natural product in ancient Egypt. Egyptologists confirm that the uses for this versatile plant ranged from religious use to practical uses in everyday life such as fabric, paper, industrial products, ands used as a natural treatment for different ailments. Egyptian deities Bast and Seshat were associated with cannabis, Seshat who was the goddess of wisdom, knowledge and writing, among other things, is depicted in ancient Egyptian carvings with a cannabis leaf above her head. Several researchers have suggested that the use of cannabis by the indigenous people of North America pre-dates the arrival of Europeans in 1492. Resin scrapings reveal that the pipes contained “traces of cannabis and tobacco that is five times stronger than the tobacco smoked today.”

Cannabis spiritual benefits has the ability to open chakras the high
attracts a flow of incoming subatomic particles, known as chi into the
body. The chakras open to better accommodate the flow of energy from
the chakras are 4 or 5 inches across, chakras double in size affected by
the high vibration of this herb. Smoking Cannabis improves psychic
connection it increases psychic power and connectivity, it gives us a
better relationship with our soul, with nature and that which is called
“God” a.k.a. Universal Consciousness. Cannabis has health benefits as
well it treats various forms of cancer, seizure, PTSD, glaucoma,
stimulate appetite, multiple sclerosis, ADHD, and many more ailments.
How can a herb with so many benefits be illegal? My only assumption is
that the powers that be want to keep humanity sick and disconnected from
nature. We all know how dangerous alcohol, cigarettes, and
prescriptions drugs are, yet they are legal and the fact is that these
substances are no good for humanity.
Many people are taking upon themselves to explore the spiritual benefits of cannabis. There are organization around the globe that are reinstating the ritual use of cannabis First Church of Cannabis, International Church of Cannabis, Rastafarians, and 420 Church. has useful information on how to implement cannabis for legal religious right. Recently, I have released a book “Cannabis Shamanism The Holy Sacrament” that give instructions on how to implement cannabis use in meditation and spiritual practices. Subscribe to Kemancestry YouTube channel to learn more about this topic.
by Penelope Stewart B.Msc.
Many people are taking upon themselves to explore the spiritual benefits of cannabis. There are organization around the globe that are reinstating the ritual use of cannabis First Church of Cannabis, International Church of Cannabis, Rastafarians, and 420 Church. has useful information on how to implement cannabis for legal religious right. Recently, I have released a book “Cannabis Shamanism The Holy Sacrament” that give instructions on how to implement cannabis use in meditation and spiritual practices. Subscribe to Kemancestry YouTube channel to learn more about this topic.
by Penelope Stewart B.Msc.
Global Cry Spiritual Renewal and Evolution of Humanity

The concept of spiritual evolution has been taught in Buddhism. William Sturgis Bigelow – a physician and Buddhist – attempted to merge biology with spirituality. He accepted the existence of both material and spiritual realms. Bigelow used the concept of natural selection as a mechanism for evolution. According to the author, spiritual evolution involves an individual emerging from “unconditioned consciousness” and moving “up the scale of evolution guided by natural selection”. Then the individual moves to a level of celestial experience, and finally is able to “return to the unconditioned consciousness from which all things emerge”.
There are three transformation processes within the evolution of the Consciousness ordinary Consciousness, awakening or the level of complete freedom. The lowest level of the evolution process of the Consciousness is ordinary is the lowest level of the evolution process of the Consciousness. Ordinary Consciousness is rooted in, and feeds on, past times, this level of consciousness is programmed at a very early age. Programs are in the form of religion, government, and education these institutions usually inform us what is acceptable and what is not acceptable. This form of consciousness is link to the ego that sees the future as the past with minimum changes.
The next phase of consciousness is an awareness described as the awakening, we see things in the world that we fail to be conscious of, we have a new-found perspective. A profound desire for freedom and truth arises in us. We then begin to search for the paths leading to the desired freedom. We become more conscious and alert, to find the truth for ourselves about who we are and what our mission in the world is.We no longer want to obey the old rules, old leaders, traditions and authorities. We begin to reject ready-made, second-hand theories and explanations. Instead, we acquire knowledge and experience from the world for ourselves. There is more pleasure in discovering new things, as we embark on new journeys without fear. The recognition and understanding of the meaning of Life, will liberate our Consciousness from the state of identification with the world of shapes and forms. Each person must find himself or herself what he or she is looking for.
Finally, the phase of freedom is highest peak in the evolution of the Consciousness. The characteristic feature of this level of awareness, the acceptance of the present moment, an openness to the existence, and a celebration of life. New dimension of existence opens up for us unity behind the controversies is revealed in front of our eyes, and we no longer insist on looking on the positive side of life, as we are able to discover beauty on the unpleasant side, too. Freedom is the true escape from the world that seeks to form our thoughts. Now is the time for us to take control over our mind the world needs thinking humans instead of humans who are conditioned.

Mother earth urges all of us to evolve plants, animals, and humans nothing stays the same on this journey called life. We all have stages in our growth process, physically, emotionally, and mentally, change is inevitable. We must embrace change for our survival, the future could not be without some form of change. Presently, humanity suffers from wars, racism, famine, illness and despair. Our inner being is crying out for change on a global level, but change starts with each individual person. Each person must take the initiative to begin their own personal transformation. Transformation sparks spiritual renewal a process that is very needed by humanity.
Spiritual renewal is a process of cleansing, reprogramming, and exercising the focus is connecting the mind, body and spirit. The spiritual dimension is very personal; it involves connecting with your sense of meaning and purpose. It could be God, peace or nature. Global Cry “The Spiritual Renewal & Evolution of Humanity” a book that was written to give individuals easy methods that help with the awakening process for spiritual renewal and evolution transformations. It covers society mental programs and step by step directions on helping others renew their mind, body and spirit. But the person must be willing to implement the methods to receive the result they desire.
by Penelope Stewart B.Msc.
Monday, August 7, 2017
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