The concept of spiritual evolution has been taught in Buddhism. William Sturgis Bigelow – a physician and Buddhist – attempted to merge biology with spirituality. He accepted the existence of both material and spiritual realms. Bigelow used the concept of natural selection as a mechanism for evolution. According to the author, spiritual evolution involves an individual emerging from “unconditioned consciousness” and moving “up the scale of evolution guided by natural selection”. Then the individual moves to a level of celestial experience, and finally is able to “return to the unconditioned consciousness from which all things emerge”.
There are three transformation processes within the evolution of the Consciousness ordinary Consciousness, awakening or the level of complete freedom. The lowest level of the evolution process of the Consciousness is ordinary is the lowest level of the evolution process of the Consciousness. Ordinary Consciousness is rooted in, and feeds on, past times, this level of consciousness is programmed at a very early age. Programs are in the form of religion, government, and education these institutions usually inform us what is acceptable and what is not acceptable. This form of consciousness is link to the ego that sees the future as the past with minimum changes.
The next phase of consciousness is an awareness described as the awakening, we see things in the world that we fail to be conscious of, we have a new-found perspective. A profound desire for freedom and truth arises in us. We then begin to search for the paths leading to the desired freedom. We become more conscious and alert, to find the truth for ourselves about who we are and what our mission in the world is.We no longer want to obey the old rules, old leaders, traditions and authorities. We begin to reject ready-made, second-hand theories and explanations. Instead, we acquire knowledge and experience from the world for ourselves. There is more pleasure in discovering new things, as we embark on new journeys without fear. The recognition and understanding of the meaning of Life, will liberate our Consciousness from the state of identification with the world of shapes and forms. Each person must find himself or herself what he or she is looking for.
Finally, the phase of freedom is highest peak in the evolution of the Consciousness. The characteristic feature of this level of awareness, the acceptance of the present moment, an openness to the existence, and a celebration of life. New dimension of existence opens up for us unity behind the controversies is revealed in front of our eyes, and we no longer insist on looking on the positive side of life, as we are able to discover beauty on the unpleasant side, too. Freedom is the true escape from the world that seeks to form our thoughts. Now is the time for us to take control over our mind the world needs thinking humans instead of humans who are conditioned.
![spiriutal evolution](https://kemancestry.files.wordpress.com/2017/10/spiriutal-evolution.jpg?w=529)
Mother earth urges all of us to evolve plants, animals, and humans nothing stays the same on this journey called life. We all have stages in our growth process, physically, emotionally, and mentally, change is inevitable. We must embrace change for our survival, the future could not be without some form of change. Presently, humanity suffers from wars, racism, famine, illness and despair. Our inner being is crying out for change on a global level, but change starts with each individual person. Each person must take the initiative to begin their own personal transformation. Transformation sparks spiritual renewal a process that is very needed by humanity.
Spiritual renewal is a process of cleansing, reprogramming, and exercising the focus is connecting the mind, body and spirit. The spiritual dimension is very personal; it involves connecting with your sense of meaning and purpose. It could be God, peace or nature. Global Cry “The Spiritual Renewal & Evolution of Humanity” a book that was written to give individuals easy methods that help with the awakening process for spiritual renewal and evolution transformations. It covers society mental programs and step by step directions on helping others renew their mind, body and spirit. But the person must be willing to implement the methods to receive the result they desire.
by Penelope Stewart B.Msc.
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